First Class Auditor General Report 2017

Resource Pack Annual General Meeting SDA Strategy Working Document 201617 201920 D tr te W k g D cu e 1 17 20 S A S a gy or in o m nt 20 6 19 20 e k e v l m A c S h u k h u n e D e o p e n t g e n y.
Auditor general report 2017. This is in line with the provisions of Section 85 3 b of the 1999. The Annual Report required by the Auditor General Act includes value-for-money audits of Ontario public-sector and broader-public-sector programs and our observations on the attest audits of the Public Accounts. AGSAs annual reports.
Volume II - Accounts of Accounting Officers 2017pdf. Our Office has just over 145 full time equivalent staff and comprises 3 operational and 2 non-operational business units. Report of the auditor-general for the financial year ended december 31 2017 on appropriation accounts finance and revenue statements and fund accounts.
Volume I - Accounts of the Treasury and of Receivers of Revenue 2017pdf. The long-awaited 2017 Auditor-Generals report was recently published in the website of the office of the auditor general. The 2017 audit reports highlighted 25 matters in this way including eight cases outlining explanations provided in the financial statements about.
On the 2 nd of November 2017 The Report of the Auditor General on the Accounts of the Republic for the financial year ended 31 st December 2016 became a public document. The Auditor-General for the Federation AuGF Mr. Below is a summary of the programs activities and achievements for 2017.
Auditor Generals audit report may draw attention to an accounting matter which is considered to be important for users to be aware of in reading and understanding the financial statements. 100 of complaints reviewed. The report revealed that a total of K538 million was under query in the financial year ending 2016.
ANAO Report No53 201718 Cyber Resilience 4 AUDITING FOR AUSTRALIA The Auditor-General is head of the Australian National Audit Office ANAO. On 28 October the Local Government Amendment Auditing Act 2017 LG Act was proclaimed giving the Auditor General the mandate to audit Western Australias 139 local governments and 9 regional councils. MESSAGE OF THE AUDITOR GENERAL TO THE PUBLIC ON THE RELEASE OF THE AUDITOR GENERALS REPORT FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 31 ST DECEMBER 2017 The Auditor Generals mandate under Article 163 3 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda and as amplified by Sections 13 1 and 19 of the National Audit Act 2008 is to audit and report.