Recommendation Coty Balance Sheet

The balance sheet is a financial report that shows the assets of a business ie.
Coty balance sheet. Investors also form their own opinion of Coty stocks value that differs from its market value or its book value called intrinsic value. In order to lower Cotys leverage and strengthen our balance sheet in the midst of the pandemic Coty secured a 1 billion direct investment from KKR and entered into an agreement to sell 60 of Wella for 25 billion net cash proceeds equating to over 12x Wellas FY19 EBITDA. View COTY financial statements in full.
Balance Sheet Annual COTY Coty Inc Balance Sheet shows account balances for the company at points in time. Ten years of annual and quarterly balance sheets for Coty COTY. The market value of Coty Inc is measured differently than its book value which is the value of Coty that is recorded on the companys balance sheet.
Balance Sheet data includes Assets Current Assets Fixed Assets Property Plant and Equipment PPE Inventory Intangibles Liabilities Current Liabilities Debt Capital Lease Obligations Common Stock Retained Earnings Treasury Stock and Shareholders Equity. Cl A annual balance sheet for COTY company financials. Dow Jones a News Corp company About WSJ.
Find out the revenue expenses and profit or loss over the last fiscal year. Coty has a very solid balance sheet with significant liquidity and no material maturities until FY23. The first place we start is the current assets section.
What it owns the liabilities ie. Cl A Annual balance sheet by MarketWatch. Therefore lets go through Cotys numbers but more importantly how its key balance sheet line items have been trending of late.
What it owes to others and equity ie. COTY including details of assets liabilities and shareholders equity. View all COTY assets cash debt liabilities shareholder equity and investments.