Impressive Cash Flow And Fund Flow Statement

Steps for Preparing Funds Flow Statement.
Cash flow and fund flow statement. You are also informed that during the year dividend for the year 2010-2011 and dividend distribution tax together amounting to Rs 575 thousand was paid. The major differences between cash flow statement and fund flow statement are as follows. Inflows and outflows of cash and cash equivalents.
Problem and Solution 1. FUNDS FLOW ANALYSIS. Inflows and outflows of cash.
A statement that shows the changes in the cash and bank balance between opening and closing dates is known as a cash flow statement while a statement that shows the variations in the financial position between the two financial years is known as a fund flow statement. Fund flow is usually measured on a monthly or quarterly basis. Ie cash inflow is the money received for the business whereas cash outflow is the money going out.
Cash Flow and Fund Flow Statement. Determine the change increase or decrease in. A fund flow statement is a statement prepared to analyse the reasons for changes in the financial position of a company between two balance sheets.
Sources of funds and applications of funds for a particular period. Funds flow statements report changes in a businesss working capital from its operations in a single time period but have largely been superseded by cash flow statements. Main purpose is to show the movement of cash.
Deduction from net income of 22000 and a 99000 cash inflow from investing activities. Cash basis of accounting. The cash flow statement is best used to understand the liquidity position of a firm whereas the fund flow statement is best suited for long-term financial planning which is why it.